Customer Testimonials

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100% Satisfied Clients

CRS makes sure we stay in compliance and stay informed to any new changes.

Ashley Lincoln City, OR

As the only office employee of a small excavation and trucking company my day is packed. CRS makes sure we stay in compliance and stay informed to any new changes. They are wonderful to work with by phone or email, affordable, reliable and always there for us.


They were nothing less than professional, friendly and efficient.

Lori K.Holland, Michigan

Thank you to CRS for their fast and friendly assistance in getting our USDOT number up to date! They were nothing less than professional, friendly and efficient. I appreciate the whole team for making the process simple and quick.

I know I am in good hands and can recommend CRS with confidence.

Bernie B. Balderston Excavation Inc., Olivia, MN

Best decision I ever made was to work with CRS. They have made my business life so much easier. I am the only driver and must operate my excavation business at all levels. DOT compliance was a dreaded task I avoided. CRS has taken over that duty and I am so grateful for them. My confidence in their abilities gives me comfort. I know I am in good hands and can recommend CRS with confidence.

CRS has taken the compliance burden from me for proper and timely filings.

Carol AurandVP/Operations, The Herald, Inc.

I have been working with Commercial Registration Services since 2018. The staff has taken the compliance burden from me for the Biennial Update and ensures proper and timely filings.  I truly appreciate the knowledge and support that they have provided and will continue to provide.  Thank you and I look forward to working with you in the future!  What a great company to work with!

They are friendly and keep me compliant with USDOT regulations in a timely manner.

Pete SantinoConnecticut

Commercial Registration Services has helped keep us in compliance for several years now.  They are friendly and keep me compliant with USDOT regulations in a timely manner, freeing me up to take care of the other parts of my business.

Speak to a Compliance Specialist Today!

Call today for more information about how you can stay USDOT Compliant.